Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Melissa Harris Perry Thanksgiving Rant: 'Have A Happy Injustice, Agony, Selfish, Racist, & Occupier' Day

MSNBC host Melissa Harris Perry, a radically liberal host, did a story on how awful Thanksgiving is. Her monologue ended with, "Happy 'Violence, Disease, & Land Theft' Thanksgiving".

Perry, at first, lulled us into her monologue by calling Thanksgiving a day that's about relaxing, the Macy's parade, football games, and delicious foods. She left out "giving thanks" but I'll let that slide.

Doesn't that sound just great? That's my kind of Thanksgiving.

But then her monologue took a turn for radical leftyland. She said during her show, "Thanksgiving is not that simple. The kindergarten story that you learned about grateful Pilgrims and happy Indians is not even close to the historic reality of how European settlers brought violence, disease and land theft to the indigenous peoples who were already in this land long before it was discovered."

Perry then went on to say that disgusted with Macy's after featuring Trump in a recent ad. She claims that half a million people want Macy's to end it's relationship with Trump. She called Trump's attacks on Obama birth certificate, "vicious, radicalized attacks".

So let me get this straight: Trump is racist, so are the republicans, and especially the Tea Party. Did I get that right Ms. Perry? Only on MSNBC can you make it without a cognitive and have a show where you call half the country racist and get away with it.

Perry then went on to remind people that millions of poor families in our country are regularly going hungry. Don't worry Perry, U.S. News said today that Americans are using Food Stamps more than ever before to buy their Thanksgiving meals.

She finished by saying we should still enjoy our holiday while we "embrace" the "agony and loss and injustice that under-girds our history."

Happy Thanks Giving fellow Occupiers!

Watch the video here

Fabio Maciel Dies At His Wedding: Trips On Beer Glass

Never, ever drink and wed. A 33-year-old Brazilian groom died after he tripped and fell on his empty glass of beer.

According to reports, the incident occurred six hours after Fabio Jefferson Sos Santos Maciel married Geise Guimaraes. It was suppose to be the happest day of the the couple's lives.

The incident occurred at 2 am while Maciel was playing with a young bridesmaid. According to the Telegraph, "A beer glass he had put in his trouser pocket broke and pierced his femoral vein - a major artery in the top of the leg - causing rapid and irretrievable blood loss."

Mr. Maciel's widow is reportedly devastated. Maciel had recently finished constructing a home for him and his bride before the wedding.

Rep. Ralph Hall Niece VIDEO: TSA Agent Exposed Teen's Breasts, Not Fired

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has reportedly exposed the breasts of US Rep. Ralph Hall (R-TX) 17-year-old niece during a pat down at the LAX airport. Instead of apologizing, the TSA has blamed the girl's "loose fitting' dress.

Rep. Hall says the TSA agent who exposed his niece's chest should be fired. The TSA however refuses to fire the agent claiming it was an "accident". The accident occured in front of the girl's Christian youth group.

There is surveillance footage of the incident. How horrific is that? Not only did everyone near her saw, but everyone watching security footage saw nudity too.

Accident or not, this is what happens when you have security measures that are overtly intrusive of an American's individual rights.

The TSA report said this: "during patdown of stomach area, sundress slipped down to her stomach, revealing her br--sts."

The agent involved has apologized but still has not been fired. He has reportedly been "counseled on professionalism".

This event happened 2 years ago. It was released today due to the Freedom of Info Act.

Read the full story and get the video at Twitchy

Opinion: Lindsey Stone's Arlington 'Bird' Photo: Should Keep Job But Publicly Apologize

Lindsey Stone is in the social media coliseum fighting an impossible battle against lions after taking a foolish photo of herself flipping off a sign at the Arlington National Cemetery. And there is only one way to escape this coliseum. She must publicly apologize and then change her name.

Lindsey Stone sparked thousands of comments and controversy after she posted a photo of her giving the middle finger to a sign that asks for "silence and respect" at the Tomb of the Unknown soldier at Arlington National Cemetery. After the news media picked up the story, Stone has been placed on unpaid leave and she and another friend face losing their jobs.

Stone posted to Facebook in her defense: " Whoa whoa whoa... wait. This is just us, being the d--chebags that we are, challenging authority in general. Much like the pic posted the night before, of me smoking right next to a no smoking sign. Obviously we meant No disrespect to people that serve or have served our country."

Stone works for LIFE: a non-profit organization that helps adults with disabilities in the Cape Cod area. There is a Facebook group asking LIFE to fire Stone with more than 14,000 likes.

Does Stone deserved to be fired? No. Despite the fact that she was foolish enough to post the photo does not mean we have free reign to destroy her life. She was not working at the time of the incident nor did she do anything illegal. Her photo can be interpreted many ways but the truth of the intent of the photo is only known to Stone and her friends who were there.

This is just like what Facebook's CEO said was going to happen. Young people using social media are going to have to file to change their name due to their irresponsible photos, videos, blogs, and comments. Social media has a devastating price that is going to have a very big impact on our culture in the future.

Years from now your kids, bosses, fellow employees, friends, and family are going to use a search engine to look up your name. What are they going to find? In Lindsey Stone's case, she is going to have to defend her actions for the rest of her life.

Everyone needs to realize, if you use social media, you could be the next Lindsey Stone.

"Elmo" Actor Kevin Clash's Guilty Step Down From Sesame Street? Second Accuser Strikes

After a second sex allegation from under-aged youth, Cecil Singleton, Kevin Clash, the voice of Elmo (or as I like to call him, Scum-O), has resigned from Sesame Street.

Cecil Singleton claims that when he was 15-years-old Clash persuaded him to meet for sexual encounters in 2003. "Since I found out that there were other people or victims in a similar circumstance, I felt very guilty. I felt really guilty because regardless of my maturity or my experience at 15, they were likely not the experiences of any normal 15-year-old."

Sesame Workshop said: "Sesame Workshop's mission is to harness the educational power of media to help all children the world over reach their highest potential.  Kevin Clash has helped us achieve that mission for 28 years, and none of us, especially Kevin, want anything to divert our attention from our focus on serving as a leading educational organization.  Unfortunately, the controversy surrounding Kevin's personal life has become a distraction that none of us wants, and he has concluded that he can no longer be effective in his job and has resigned from Sesame Street.  This is a sad day for Sesame Street."

You know what is really sad Sesame Workshop? The fact that you kept Clash around for this long despite knowledge of his awkward and improper relationships with teens who met him through the show. Clash was taking advantage of his "Elmo" fame and dating young and confused gay men and boys. They should have fired him years ago. Sesame Workshop enabled him.

Clash admitted to having a relationship with a 18-year-old young man. The teen said he was 16-years-old when they began their relationship. Clash pathetically tried unconvincingly to fight the lawsuit by telling TMZ he started dating the boy when he was 18.

I hate to say this but I believe Clash to be guilty. It only took two allegations for Clash to step down? In my long career of reporting celebrity news, 99 percent of the time when someone steps down after numerous allegations it is a sign of guilt. If he were innocent, he would fight this all the way to the Sesame Street graveyard. All his resignation proves is that he is a 'Sesame Street' opportunist who used his fame to bed young and confused gay boys.

I am willing to bet this will not be the last allegation flung at Clash.

Richard Wolffe Says GOP On A Witch Hunt Against "People Of Color" In Obama Cabinet (VIDEO)

Richard Wolffe, VP and executive editor of, believes that the GOP is on a "Witch Hunt" against "people of color". Here is what he said on MSNBC:

"RICHARD WOLFFE: There is the question about John Kerry, but I think now that John McCain has sunk his teeth in, he's made it about presidential authority, and, frankly, it's outrageous that there is this witch hunt going on the right about these people of color, let's face it, around this president. Eric Holder, Valerie Jarrett, now Susan Rice. Before it was Van Jones. This is not about who is hawkish in the same way John McCain is about foreign policy because if you look at Iran and Libya, Susan Rice checks those boxes. This is a personal vendetta."

I guess this would explain why in the final week of the election NBC ran 0 percent unfavorable news stories on President Barack Obama. But anyone who watches MSNBC can tell you, they are all hardcore liberals.

Recently the GOP is being trashed by left for asking hard questions about Susan Rice's contradictory statements on Benghazi. Rice said continuously that the Benghazi attack was due to an unruly mob over a youtube an extremely low budget anti-Muslim film. This is despite the fact that we had extremely good intelligence that said it was an organized terrorist attack.

D-SC Rep. Clyburn claimed the GOP was using code words about U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice. "You know, these are code words. We heard them during the campaign - during this recent campaign we heard Sen. Sununu calling our president lazy, incompetent, these kinds of terms that those of us, especially those of us who were grown and raised in the South, we would hear these little words and phrases all of our lives and we'd get insulted by them."

Is the GOP attacking Susan Rice because of her "color" or because of the fact that she or someone in the Obama Administration (possibly Obama himself) told her to lie about terrorist events right before an election?

Watch the video by going to Real Clear Politics.

Danica Patrick Divorce; Ricky Stenhouse 'Affair' The Reason They Split? (VIDEO, PHOTO)

Was it another man? We might just have a clue as to why Danica Patrick is getting a divorce.

NASCAR driver Danica Patrick is praised by most men for her goddess like looks and incredible driving abilities. Patrick always felt unattainable by fans, that changes today as adorers will be lining up for her autograph more than ever before. But with Patrick now getting a divorce, her popularity is going to skyrocket.

Danica Patrick is divorcing Paul Hospenthal after 7-years of marriage. Patrick is 16-years younger than her estranged husband Hospenthal.

Patrick wrote on Facebook: "I am sad to inform my fans that after seven years, Paul and I have decided amicably end our marriage. This isn't easy for either of us, but mutually it has come to this. He has been an important person and friend in my life and that's how we will remain moving forward."

FOX NEWS reported, "Hospenthal is a physical therapist who met Patrick while treating her for a non-racing injury. The two were married in 2005..."

But what was it that pushed their marriage to the point of no return? According to reports Danica has quickly formed a friendship with NASCAR rookie Ricky Stenhouse, who is just 24-years-old, in the past year. They are in constant contact as they both work the same job. Stenhouse has been accused of going easy on Danica on the race track several times by fans.

Last year, Danica pushed Stenhouse cut his longer hair. Maybe because she thought he'd be cuter?

Here is a video of them hugging. And it's super awkward.

Is it possible that she grew tired of playing doctor with Hospenthal, who she was much younger than, in favor of some work place love with someone more her age?